Dyno Testing
We use The SuperFlow SF-902S for all dyno testing work. engine dyno houses a new absorber designed for high RPM and maximum durability. It’s rated for 15,000 RPM, 1,500 HP and 1,200 lb.-ft of torque. PTFE teflon water seals and high speed ABEC 7 bearings allow the new absorber to run at high RPM for extended testing periods without issue.

Adaptation to the engine is simple with the optional multi-fit bell housing or the adapter of your choice. To keep the test cell neat, the integrated boom assembly houses both the sensor box and cooling tower, plus it has cable stays to route transducer wires cleanly between the sensor box and the engine. WinDyn’s® pre-defined test sequences allow for standard tests at the push of a button so we can get testing done in the most efficient manner.
Lifter Truing
BHJ’s Lifter-Tru Kit blueprinting fixture allows us to remachine the lifter bores and correct their position in an engine block front-to-rear and up-and-down, as well as to restore the correct lifter bore angle. In addition, blocks without finished lifter bosses may also be machined with new lifter bores, with the addition of optional cutters in the process.

The cylinder block is fixtured at the prescribed angle while a Piloted Cutter is precisely guided from both above and below the lifter bore.